Forthcoming public training Gill Jolly is delivering
As a trainer with the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Academy Gill delivers a range of virtual training courses. Topics she trains on with the CIOF include: Case for supportCapital appealsTrust fundraising (from getting started to managing your programme)Community fundraising (separate courses for managers and practitioners)Fundraising strategyReviewing and reforecasting your strategyCelebration and in-memory giving Gill […]
Fundraising involves effective communications
Words and language need to be carefully selected in our messages whether they are to be communicated verbally or in some form of written format. The basic principle of fundraising is that we need to ask to get! This is more effective when we link the reason for asking to the needs or the problem […]
What The Current Environment Shows Us About Donor Motivations
Gill Jolly, from the CIOF Health Special Interest Group, says that there are lessons to be learnt from Captain Tom’s fundraising efforts and from the support for key workers during the Thursday night clap, and that when we think about fundraising messages, we should reflect on who our beneficiaries are. Many people are asking what […]
Coping With COVID-19
Fundraising in a pandemic These are tough times for charities, with many loosing income from some of their tried and trusted methods as events and activities are cancelled, shops closed and trying to communicate with companies and individuals who are distracted by the crisis trying to keep their own heads above water. There are a […]
Emergency Funders To Help With The COVID-19 Crisis
If you are thinking about applying to funders, you can find a range of emergency funders available below. Please let us know how you get on. Should you need assistance or guidance in applying to these please get in touch for a free chat now on 07803 170283 or contact us at Funding info NCVO has […]